



* DoClipPat - 使用指定的字符串绘制剪辑路径

* Return value - TRUE if successful; FALSE otherwise

* lplf - 定义字体的LOGFONT结构的地址


* lpsz - 用于剪辑路径的字符串的地址


BOOL DoClipPath(LPLOGFONT lplf, LPSTR lpsz)


LOGFONT lf; /* logical font structure */

HFONT hfont; /* new logical font handle */

HFONT hfontOld; /* original logical font handle */

HDC hdc; /* display DC handle */

int nXStart, nYStart; /* drawing coordinates */

RECT rc; /* rectangle structure for painting window */

SIZE sz; /* size structure that receives text extents */

int nStrLen; /* length of the string */

int i; /* loop counter */

/ *检索窗口的缓存DC。*/

hdc = GetDC(hwnd);

/ *擦除当前窗口的内容。*/

GetClientRect(hwnd, &rc);

FillRect(hdc, &rc, GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH));





hfont = CreateFontIndirect(lplf);

if (hfont == NULL)

return FALSE;

hfontOld = SelectObject(hdc, hfont);

/ *创建剪辑路径。*/

nStrLen = lstrlen(lpsz);


TextOut(hdc, nXStart, nYStart, lpsz, nStrLen);


SelectClipPath(hdc, RGN_DIFF);



* 文本。


GetTextExtentPoint32(hdc, lpsz, nStrLen, &sz);

/ *通过剪辑路径绘制水平线。*/

for (i = nYStart + 1; i < (nYStart + sz.cy); i += 3) {

MoveToEx(hdc, nXStart, i, (LPPOINT) NULL);

LineTo(hdc, (nXStart + sz.cx), i);


/ *通过剪辑路径绘制垂直线。*/

for (i = nXStart + 1; i < (nXStart + sz.cx); i += 3){

MoveToEx(hdc, i, nYStart, (LPPOINT) NULL);

LineTo(hdc, i, (nYStart + sz.cy));


/ *将原始字体选择到DC中并释放DC。*/

SelectObject(hdc, hfontOld);


ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdc);

return TRUE;

